Wednesday 3 December 2008

understanding plagiarism and reference


Plagiarism means copping to another person idea or a part of their work and pretend that is person own. Plagiarism is a culture as well as academic phenomenon and is ,therefore, frequently misunderstood by many international student.Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offens

Type of plagiarism

"The Ghost Writer"
The writer turns in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.
"The Photocopy"
The writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration.
"The Potluck Paper"
The writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing.
"The Poor Disguise"
Although the writer has retained the essential content of the source, he or she has altered the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.
"The Labor of Laziness"
The writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original work.
"The Self-Stealer"
The writer "borrows" generously from his or her previous work, violating policies concerning the expectation of originality adopted by most academic institutions.
"The Perfect Crime"
Well, we all know it doesn't exist. In this case, the writer properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other arguments from those sources without citation. This way, the writer tries to pass off the paraphrased material as his or her own analysis of the cited material.
Preventing Plagiarism
Plagiarism is quickly becoming part of our educational culture. More and more students are turning to the internet for quick "short cuts" around the rewarding but time-consuming work of writing research papers.
A large part of the problem is awareness of the issues. Often, students do not even know that they are plagiarizing, and those who do know are often unaware of the seriousness of the offence and its possible consequences. Another part of the problem lies in the factors that make students likely to plagiarize: poor research skills, attitudes toward grades and school work, poor time-management skills, the perception that peers are cheating, and skewed risk-reward assessments, for example. We believe strongly that a great deal of plagiarism can be prevented by addressing these factors. Please visit our educator and student specific sections to find out more.
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own use (another's production) without crediting the source commit literary theft present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

Television is atrue mirror of society

'Television is in no way a true mirror of society'. To what extent do you agree with this
A true mirror of society is something that faithfully reflects or gives a true picture of the society. By
analysing the programs that are shown on the television, we will find out whether television is a true
or false mirror of the society. In this modern era, television is mostly considered as medium of
entertainment. Television telecasts several different kinds of programs. Among them, some
television programs are more informative about society, but most of them are not reflecting the true
image of society. Programs based on fantasy, drives viewers strongly into imaginary world, which
does not reflect real life. Unfortunately most of the programs on television are not true image of our
society, this essay will argue for this statement. Now I am going to provide arguments, in which
some will show television is true mirror but most arguments can confirm that it is not a mirror of

Tuesday 2 December 2008

preparing for future study;Reading

Preparing for future study: reading

Now I am doing my pre-ssessional academic English course. I will finish this course this coming January. After that I will start my under graduation business course. My course name is BUSINES andMARKETING . For this purpose I already search the course website.First I go to the weblearn metranet and I search my course module.....that is given below

LEVEL 1....module

*Studying Marketing and Operations
*Introduction with Marketing
*Business in its Environment
*Quantitative Analysis
*Accounting for Business
*Economics for Business

LEVEL 2....module

*Marketing communications
*Managing the Human resources Function
*international Marketing
*Business finance

LEVEL 3....module

*strategic Management
*Marketing planning and control
*Perspective in Human resource Management
**Strategic Marketing
*advertising *services Marketing
*Curent Issues in marketing