Wednesday 3 December 2008

Television is atrue mirror of society

'Television is in no way a true mirror of society'. To what extent do you agree with this
A true mirror of society is something that faithfully reflects or gives a true picture of the society. By
analysing the programs that are shown on the television, we will find out whether television is a true
or false mirror of the society. In this modern era, television is mostly considered as medium of
entertainment. Television telecasts several different kinds of programs. Among them, some
television programs are more informative about society, but most of them are not reflecting the true
image of society. Programs based on fantasy, drives viewers strongly into imaginary world, which
does not reflect real life. Unfortunately most of the programs on television are not true image of our
society, this essay will argue for this statement. Now I am going to provide arguments, in which
some will show television is true mirror but most arguments can confirm that it is not a mirror of

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