Tuesday 2 December 2008

preparing for future study;Reading

Preparing for future study: reading

Now I am doing my pre-ssessional academic English course. I will finish this course this coming January. After that I will start my under graduation business course. My course name is BUSINES andMARKETING . For this purpose I already search the course website.First I go to the weblearn metranet and I search my course module.....that is given below

LEVEL 1....module

*Studying Marketing and Operations
*Introduction with Marketing
*Business in its Environment
*Quantitative Analysis
*Accounting for Business
*Economics for Business

LEVEL 2....module

*Marketing communications
*Managing the Human resources Function
*international Marketing
*Business finance

LEVEL 3....module

*strategic Management
*Marketing planning and control
*Perspective in Human resource Management
**Strategic Marketing
*advertising *services Marketing
*Curent Issues in marketing

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