Saturday 24 January 2009

Reflective writing on the presessional course and university study(task18)

My experience about this corse and Londonmetropolitan university

My name is laila. I am from Bangladesh.I came to london last year . I applyed Londonmetropolitan university in business and marketing subject with three month pressesional english academic course.This is my last month.Actually i am very much happy to study this english course.It is really academic english course. I learnt many things from here.When i was in my country i jast write only simple essay but i did not know any essay have some spacific rules to writhe ,i did not know how organiseany peace of writing essay for academic purpose.But now i know every thing fom this couse,however i enjoy londonmetropolitan university teacher,rules regulation so many thing.Here .The main thing is that the system of education in my country and uk is ery different .Here everything is very practical. like when i start to read here i did research work,essay writing with the help of library resources and most of the thing deped on computer.I really understant so many things here with realise so many difference education system in my county and uk.Moreoer this course is very helpful for my future course.At last i can say that this university and teacher gave me somehing which is practical and very help to my future works. i really greatful all of my teacher ROBIN, DILEKALI,HELEN,SUJAN AND ALEX.They really helpful and friendly attitude.I really learnt something from them.Thank you.

Listen to anonline lecture(task14)

I listen a live lecture on ( this web site i found a lot of topics lecture which is very help ful to gain a knowledge also improve our listening power.
I heared alecture abot (books and libraries in the digital age)lecture did robert darton. he is an american he talks about it. firstly he talked about his reasearch ,his histry father istry etc.About the Lecture

Perhaps because he is a historian rather than librarian by training, Robert Darnton regards the vast ocean of digital information that civilization has begun accumulating with relish rather than anxiety. Darnton delves into European archives to find raw material, boxes of cast-off “ephemera,” for his stories of how people lived hundreds of years ago. No wonder he believes “it’s important to preserve as much as you can because you don’t know what will turn out to be significant.”

In conversation with David Thorburn and audience members, Darnton lays out why he finds more promise than peril in rapidly expanding digital collections. He first owns up to the tactile pleasures of archival history: the sensation of opening a box full of manuscripts, dirty hands, the smell of old paper, and literally coming “into contact with vanished humanity.” He cherishes the drama of such research, as well as the finished, weighty products of this kind of work: the book. While the “tactile quality of books” is very important -- and Darnton describes holding up leaves of 18th century books to see bits of ground-down petticoat thread -- there are also positive dimensions to digital versions. For instance, when the British Library digitized Beowulf, it discovered several new words. But “one medium of communication doesn’t displace another,” he reassures. “They coexist.” Darnton himself is hard at work on a large-scale electronic book about books in the 18th century, comprised of layers a user can navigate, from essays on various subjects, to selections of documents in English, to the original documents in French. There might even be songs performed as they were sung in the streets of Paris 250 years ago. “We are in an era of creating new kinds of books, new kinds of reading and authorship.”
In this website there is a lot of topic like civilisation and reconstruction of era,computer techonology,financial market etc. I think it is a very useful website.

Friday 23 January 2009

Attenened a live lecture (task 15)

Hello everybody.Today i composed my selfsty which i already have done on my paper.Because my internet was disconnected cause of i shifted my new flat. Now i got the line. Today day i explain my experience of live lecture which was held on 12/01/09.\Our topic was globalisation and presenteconomoic situation .our teacher was steave. His speach was really good.Most of the student listen his lcture very attentively. In lecture time i took some imporant note relative to globalisation.Mainly it talk about credit crunch which reson of bank give money to people for buy house it cauld mortgage,It also effect our stock marke.we also got some Knowledse abot credit aresult our economy is geting down.In that lecture we know abot this thing which is very helpful to my essay writing.

internet detective Tutorial ( task 12)

Internet detective mainly means It is a free online tutorial that will help student Internet research skills for university work.The tutorial looks at the ethical thinking required when using the internet for research and offers practical advice on evaluate the quality of website. when student need to get a lot of information for their subject topic internet detective is very impotant for them.

tutorial At university or college student will need to take your Internet research skills to the next level
At this level of student education will be expected to:
Be able to do own independent research
Locate and use a wide range of information sources
Critically evaluate the information you find
Synthesize information to form student own original piece of work
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The quality of information on the Internet is extremely variable.
At best the Internet is a great research tool, at worst it can seriously degrade student nwork by feeding you misinformation.

Use this section of the tutorial to learn about:

The good: academic publishing on the Internet
The bad: time wasting on Internet searches
The uglyThe
news is that many sources of authoritative research information now publish on the Internet.Internet hoaxes, scams and legends.

The Academic publishing process

Academics usually publish their research in formal publications such as journal papers and articles or reports. These follow formal procedures designed to quality-assure the work.

Peer review / refereeing
Peer review is what characterises academic research. If a publication is peer reviewed it means it has been read, checked and authenticated (reviewed) by independent, third party academics (peers). Peer review has been the quality-control system of academic publishing for hundreds of years.

Scholarly journals
Peer reviewed articles are often collated into scholarly journals, which are usually published by academic publishing houses, professional societies or university press. Journals will be a key source of information you at university - you will be expected to reference articles from them in your work.

Electronic journals
A university library may have shelves full of journals, but nowadays many are also available in electronic form over the Internet. Ask your lecturers or librarians how to find and use the key journals for your subject - the sooner you do this the quicker you will succeed in your research.

Library eJournal services
Access to eJournals is not usually free – a subscription has to be paid. However, a university library will have paid some subscriptions for its users – who can then get free access to these journals via their library web services, using a special password (check with your library for details).

eJournal publishers
If you can't get access to eJournals from your library you may be able to via the publisher's web services. Some offer “pay-per-view” which means you pay a small fee for each article you view.

Increasingly, academics are offering free access to their refereed journal articles (and sometimes other material) by means of databases accessible via the Web called Institutional Repositories (IRs).

Bibliographic databases
Most academics rely on specialist databases to access details of past research. The databases draw together details of scholarly publications from a wide range of sources including academic publishers, journals, archives and sometimes books, and so enable you to search a large body of the scholarly literature in one go.

Academic web directories
Of course a lot of information on the web can be useful for research even if it hasn't come from the traditional sources. Academic web directories, such as Intute, guide you to the best online resources for research – and each resource has been selected and reviewed by a subject specialist.

Library web sites
The library web site for your university or college will be an important source of information for you, as it will quickly guide you to the key electronic journals, bibliographic databases and archives that archives that you should be using for your research.
The bad

The bad news is that the Internet also leads to a lot of information that is completely inappropriate for your research, and it takes time and skill to weed this out.should be using for your research.( information by( it can be coclude that when wesearch some by internet it should be improved student research skill.

understanding plagiarism and referenceing task 11

Today i have already knew about plagiarism.At first i visited to meter net, library services and i understand about plagiarism .there was some tutorials and i did it. In that tutorial i understand that what actually plagiarism mean.Now i am going to explan it by one paragraph.

Understanding plagiarismunder library skills

plagiarism it is a noun word."It means taking and using onw,the thought writing,on invention of another, not just the words but also ideas data,images etc.Plagiarism also mean that a student he or she can not made any thing like any writing by theirselves.It is a one kind of cheating.Many student find plagiarism dofficult to understand,however it is worth taking time to understand how to aoit it.Because this will improe student in a number of ways.
*Plagiarism now will help student wrote abetter essay in future.
*It will also develop students critical thinking skills and improve studen's general skills
*Academic work realises on the effective use of sources and avoidence of plagiarism.
*Plagiarism stops student from learning, because the more students plagiarise, the less students understands
athere isso m,any kind of plagiarism like some students do not study more as a result in exam time or assinment they do dome plagirism by internet, some students foget to write refference when they are doing essay. It is a one kind of plagiarism.
At last i knew that plagiarism it is a one kind of crime.we should avoid it,otherwise no student can do well in their student life also in future life. Actually it teach a student some kind of stealing.It is a great crime.we should keep avoid it.

I got the net line in my home

Hello everybody. i got the net line in my home yesterday.becauce i have shifted my home a few days ago. so my internet was disconnected.But i did my self study in paper.I hope today i will write my task on blog.But the main thing this is my last month of english academic course.I try to improved myself to my possible way.My teacher dilek help me alot. i think i learn something from her. Actullay i don't know how to write a full essay in academic way. Now i know about all of this thing.

Although this month our essay topis is globalisation and how to effect my subject area.It is not a very easy essay for me. I know about the globalisation ,but i have to know more about my subject business marketing . I thing we have to more read about this topic. we should read more article,journal,find information by internet also read a book.Moreover , i thing it is not to enough time to read more abot rhis topic.It is avery hard topic this day.As far i have already completed my essay. But i do not know how is it?But i tried my self a lot. i really still tesed about it.I hope my teacher will like it.Because this is my first writing essay.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

us presidant barak obama

Today afternoon i saw the live programme on bbc1, about new presedant ceremony function. i was really excited .I am really happy to see that is first time any black man going to be a us precidant without discrimination. ihope he will do better his works.i like barak obama.i espect obaba will do something against for peace.He should do something better for affected people in war.congrats to obama to be selected a new prescidant in usa.Of caurse work for this economic crisis that people can remove this situation as soon as possible