Friday 23 January 2009

Attenened a live lecture (task 15)

Hello everybody.Today i composed my selfsty which i already have done on my paper.Because my internet was disconnected cause of i shifted my new flat. Now i got the line. Today day i explain my experience of live lecture which was held on 12/01/09.\Our topic was globalisation and presenteconomoic situation .our teacher was steave. His speach was really good.Most of the student listen his lcture very attentively. In lecture time i took some imporant note relative to globalisation.Mainly it talk about credit crunch which reson of bank give money to people for buy house it cauld mortgage,It also effect our stock marke.we also got some Knowledse abot credit aresult our economy is geting down.In that lecture we know abot this thing which is very helpful to my essay writing.

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