Friday 23 January 2009

internet detective Tutorial ( task 12)

Internet detective mainly means It is a free online tutorial that will help student Internet research skills for university work.The tutorial looks at the ethical thinking required when using the internet for research and offers practical advice on evaluate the quality of website. when student need to get a lot of information for their subject topic internet detective is very impotant for them.

tutorial At university or college student will need to take your Internet research skills to the next level
At this level of student education will be expected to:
Be able to do own independent research
Locate and use a wide range of information sources
Critically evaluate the information you find
Synthesize information to form student own original piece of work
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The quality of information on the Internet is extremely variable.
At best the Internet is a great research tool, at worst it can seriously degrade student nwork by feeding you misinformation.

Use this section of the tutorial to learn about:

The good: academic publishing on the Internet
The bad: time wasting on Internet searches
The uglyThe
news is that many sources of authoritative research information now publish on the Internet.Internet hoaxes, scams and legends.

The Academic publishing process

Academics usually publish their research in formal publications such as journal papers and articles or reports. These follow formal procedures designed to quality-assure the work.

Peer review / refereeing
Peer review is what characterises academic research. If a publication is peer reviewed it means it has been read, checked and authenticated (reviewed) by independent, third party academics (peers). Peer review has been the quality-control system of academic publishing for hundreds of years.

Scholarly journals
Peer reviewed articles are often collated into scholarly journals, which are usually published by academic publishing houses, professional societies or university press. Journals will be a key source of information you at university - you will be expected to reference articles from them in your work.

Electronic journals
A university library may have shelves full of journals, but nowadays many are also available in electronic form over the Internet. Ask your lecturers or librarians how to find and use the key journals for your subject - the sooner you do this the quicker you will succeed in your research.

Library eJournal services
Access to eJournals is not usually free – a subscription has to be paid. However, a university library will have paid some subscriptions for its users – who can then get free access to these journals via their library web services, using a special password (check with your library for details).

eJournal publishers
If you can't get access to eJournals from your library you may be able to via the publisher's web services. Some offer “pay-per-view” which means you pay a small fee for each article you view.

Increasingly, academics are offering free access to their refereed journal articles (and sometimes other material) by means of databases accessible via the Web called Institutional Repositories (IRs).

Bibliographic databases
Most academics rely on specialist databases to access details of past research. The databases draw together details of scholarly publications from a wide range of sources including academic publishers, journals, archives and sometimes books, and so enable you to search a large body of the scholarly literature in one go.

Academic web directories
Of course a lot of information on the web can be useful for research even if it hasn't come from the traditional sources. Academic web directories, such as Intute, guide you to the best online resources for research – and each resource has been selected and reviewed by a subject specialist.

Library web sites
The library web site for your university or college will be an important source of information for you, as it will quickly guide you to the key electronic journals, bibliographic databases and archives that archives that you should be using for your research.
The bad

The bad news is that the Internet also leads to a lot of information that is completely inappropriate for your research, and it takes time and skill to weed this out.should be using for your research.( information by( it can be coclude that when wesearch some by internet it should be improved student research skill.

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